Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene
We the Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene's Dance Ministry dancers use our gift of dance to share the gospel or the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost and to encourage comfort, and edify the saints in the faith. Praise Dance is a form of dance that glorifies God by communicating the divine message of the good news of Jesus Christ. This Praise Dance is a unique and God ascribed dance (Ps. 150:3-5). This means that God has ordained the dance to be a physical expression of our acknowledgment of Him (Ps. 150:2; Col. 1:16) and our relationship with Him in joy and gladness (Ps. 22:3; Ps. 30:11; Zeph. 3:17).
Our Mission and Vision is to, "be able to lead the people into God's presence through praise and worship in Dance and through sacred movement usher in the presence of the Holy Spirit that will set an atmosphere of receptiveness prior to the word of the Lord coming forth".
Our priority as a Dance ministry is to Lord Jesus Christ, our church - Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene, each other and then the public ministry of dance and view our pieces as worship and not as a performance and therefore we present a more creative yet serious reverent and joyful dance. Prayer and scriptures keep our hearts focused on Christ.
We see ourselves as Ministers who through dance:
We are GOD's Property and includes three groups - Youth & Mime Team, Adults and Children's Ministry
Gianna Palmer, Shemiah Baptiste Hosten, Jordayne Graham, Jalen Graham, Kamali Sanderson, Christina Beckford, Alethia Sancho, Ashley McClymont, Janessa Guity, Gabrielle Stewart, Kijana Murray.
Antina Remekie-Jackson, Richalita Sancho, Regina Bittle-Milan, Renee Harper, Faye Stewart, Thalia Wilson-Palmer, Walter Beaubrauth.
Maliyah McGeary, Destini Josephs, Cheyanne Hodge.
It is by his Grace that we are able to do His Will and surely we will Overcome the obstacles that we will face because we will remain Determined and steadfast in our desire to yield to the call to serve the Lord.
Scriptures verses of Promise & encouragement
1st Samuel 16 vs. 13; Micah 7 vs. 8 and Isaiah 40 vs. 31
Psalm 27 vs. 1; Isaiah 41 vs. 13; Ephesians 2 vs. 8-9;1 Peter 4 vs. 10; Romans 8 vs. 31-32; 2 Timothy 4 vs. 7
Coming Soon
Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, "Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
Springfield Gardens Church of the Nazarene